Game Formulas
Attack Rating:
- 1 Agility = 3.0 Attack Rating
- 1 Level = 2.0 Attack Rating
- 1 Talent = 2.0 Attack Rating
- 1 Talent = 2.0 Defense
- 1 Level = 1.4 Defense
- 1 Agility = 0.8 Defense (0.2 Defense for Atalanta/Mechanician)
- Base = 1 ABS
- For each item that have Absorption stats = 0.5 ABS
- 100 Defense = 1 ABS
- 10 Levels = 1 ABS
- 40 Strength = 1 ABS
- 20 Talent = 1 ABS
- 40 Spirit = 1 ABS
- 40 Agility = 1 ABS
- 20 Vitality = 1 ABS
- Fighter: (Level * 2.0) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- Mechanician: (Level * 1.8) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- Archer: (Level * 1.4) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.4) + (Agility * 0.3)
- Pikeman: (Level * 1.8) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- Atalanta: (level * 1.4) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.4) + (Agility * 0.3)
- Knight: (Level * 1.8) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- Magician: (Level * 1.4) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Spirit * 0.4)
- Priestess: (Level * 1.4) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Spirit * 0.4)
- Assassin: (Level * 1.8) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- Shaman: (Level * 1.6) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Spirit * 0.4)
- Martial Artist: (Level * 1.8) + (Vitality * 2.0) + (Strength * 0.6)
- 10 Talent = 0.1% Critical
- Critical Rating max capacity is 55%. (Except for Pikeman/Assassin that is 70%)
Critical Damage:
- PVP = 60% (50% for One Handed Weapon, except for Atalanta/Auto Mech)
- PVE = 70%
Critical Resistance:
- 0.1 Critical Resistance = 0.1% Critical Resistance
Critical Resistance reduce the chance of the enemy Critical Hit:
- Example: If the enemy has 50% Critical, and the Resistance is 10%, the chance to Critical Hit is reduced in 5%.
- 0.1 Block = 0.1% Chance to Block
- Block Rating max capacity is 50%. (Except for Mechanician)
Block Penetration:
- 0.1 Block Penetration = 0.1% Block Penetration
Block Penetration reduce the enemy chance to Block:
- Example: If the enemy has 50% Block, and the Penetration is 10%, the chance to Block is reduced in 5%.
- 0.1 Evade = 0.1% Chance to Evade
- Evade Rating max capacity is 50%.
- 0.1 Precision = 0.1% Precision.
Precision reduce the chance of the enemy to Defend, Block and Evade.
- Example: If the enemy has 30% Block/Evade/Chance to Defend, and Precision is 10%, chances are reduced in 3% each.
- Base = 60 Weight
- 1 Strength = 2.0 Weight
- 1 Spirit = 1.2 Weight
- 1 Talent = 1.0 Weight
- 1 Agility = 1.2 Weight
- 1 Vitality = 1.5 Weight
- 1 Level = 3.0 Weight
- MP Regen: [Level + ((Spirit * 1.2 + Vitality / 2) / 115)] + [Item Spec Regen / 2 + Item or Skill Regen add]
- HP Regen: [Level + ((Strength / 2 + Vitality) / 180)] + [Item Spec Regen / 2 + Item or Skill Regen add]
Move Speed:
- Base = 1
- 300 Strength = 1 Move Speed
- 150 Agility = 1 Move Speed
- 100 Levels = 1 Move Speed
- Magician, Priestess, Shaman: (Level * 1.5) + (Spirit * 3.8)
- Mechanician, Knight, Atalanta: (Level * 0.9) + (Spirit * 2.7)
- Fighter, Pikeman, Archer, Assassin, Martial Artist: (Level * 0.6) + (Spirit * 2.2)
- Base = 60 SP
- 1 Vitality = 1.4 SP
- 1 Strength = 0.5 SP
- 1 Talent = 0.5 SP
- 1 Level = 2.3 SP
- 1 Spirit = 1 SP
Attack Speed:
- 1 Weapon Speed = 1 Attack Speed
Base Damage:
Fighter (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 240) / 240] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 240) / 240] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Mechanician (Ranged Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 800) / 800] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 500) / 500] + [(agility + 370) / 370] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 800) / 800] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 500) / 500] + [(agility + 370) / 370] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Mechancian (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Archer (Ranged Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 400) / 400] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 400) / 400] + [(agility + 230) / 230] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 400) / 400] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 400) / 400] + [(agility + 230) / 230] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Pikeman (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 215) / 215] + [(spirit + 1000 ) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 215) / 215] + [(spirit + 1000 ) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Atalanta (Ranged Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 400) / 400] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 500) / 500] + [(agility + 230) / 230] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 400) / 400] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 500) / 500] + [(agility + 230) / 230] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Knight (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Magician (Magic Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 235) / 235] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 235) / 235] + [(talent + 1000) /1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Priestess (Magic Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 215) / 215] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 215) / 215] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Assassin (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 215) / 215] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 215) / 215] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Shaman (Magic Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 235) / 235] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 1000) / 1000] + [(spirit + 235) / 235] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Martial Artist (Melee Weapon):
- Attack Power Min = 1 + (Weapon Min Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
- Attack Power Max = 3 + (Weapon Max Attack Power * {[(strength + 235) / 235] + [(spirit + 1000) / 1000] + [(talent + 1000) / 1000] + [(agility + 1000) / 1000] - [(Vitality + 300) / 300]})
Fighter (Melee Weapon):
Spec Damage:
If Weapon have proper Class Spec Attack Power/X:
- Attack Power Max = +(Level/X)
If Weapon have proper Class Spec:
- Attack Power Min = (Weapon Min Attack Power + Weapon Max Attack Power) /16
If character is using his specific Class Weapon:
- Attack Power Min Boost % = + Level/6
Attack Rating Spec:
If item have proper Class Spec Attack Rating LV/X:
- Attack Rating Boost = Level/X
Passive Skill Damage:
If character have Damage Boost passive skill:
- Attack Power Min = (Weapon Min Attack Power * Passive Skill %)
- Attack Power Max = (Weapon Max Attack Power * Passive Skill %)
(Attack Rating/Defense) * 100 = Chance in % to pass through enemy Defense.
- Enemy Block and Evade are not affected by Attack Rating.
- If you pass through enemy Defense, enemy can still Block or Evade the attack.
PVE Damage:
(Attack Power + Skill Boosts) - (Monster Absorption) = Final Damage
- In case of Critical Hit initial damage is increased by 70%.
PVP Damage:
(((Attack Power + Skill Boosts)/5) - (Damage Reduction)) - (Absorption) = Final Damage.
- In case of Critical Hit initial damage is increased by 60%. (50% for One Handed Weapons, except for Atalanta/Auto Mech)